Preserving and improving Firs Farm for the benefit of present and future generations
Love your green space
Registered Charity 1177069
Love your green space

Preserving and improving Firs Farm for the benefit of present and future generations

The Firs Farm Community Hub is OPEN!

February 24th 2024 – A milestone for the charity

After eight years of campaigning and fundraising; two steps forward and one back, we now have an exciting new community space and home for the Charity, with a café, toilets, and other facilities.


Stage one is the cafe, which is currently 8 am – 4 pm, seven days a week. It is hoped to extend the opening hours during the summer months.

The Hub is a public building. Toilets are open for anyone to use during cafe opening hours, including the Changing Places toilet; the first in an Enfield park.

Community space. This is now open for hire, check out the What’s On page for activities you can join.

The Hub is the home of the Friends of Firs Farm. We will shortly be putting up a notice board, where you can find out more about the Charity and how you can get involved in supporting Firs Farm.

Please excuse the Hub’s outside appearance, especially after the heavy rain. A bike/buggy shelter is currently being installed, as well as security fencing at the back.

The Friends would like to thank all the residents and organisations who have helped us bring facilities to Firs Farm. Thanks also to Enfield Council for leasing us the land, providing utilities, finance, paths to our front door, and for having faith in us!

Thanks for waiting, we are sure you’ll agree that the wait has been worth it!

Categorised as: Community Hub