Preserving and improving Firs Farm for the benefit of present and future generations
Love your green space
Registered Charity 1177069
Love your green space

Preserving and improving Firs Farm for the benefit of present and future generations

Friends of Firs Farm

Back in 2013, Firs Farm was a muddy and litter strewn field, used by a handful of dog walkers. Today Firs Farm is a popular, award winning wetlands habitat and community green space. Here is how it all began …….


At the same time, preliminary work was underway to assess whether Firs Farm might be a suitable site for a wetlands flood alleviation project. Find out more about this exciting project on the Wetlands page.

In 2016 The Friends of Firs Farm became a registered charity, helping to support the newly created wetlands, organising community events, and starting the campaign to bring facilities to Firs Farm.

We are proud of what we have achieved and are always keen to welcome new people to help sustain Firs Farm for residents and future generations.

Please explore this website to understand how Firs Farm has evolved in less than a decade, with a lot of help from our friends!

The Friends work in partnership with the London Borough of Enfield, through the Parks Friends Agreement. Since 2014 we have worked tirelessly to ensure that Firs Farm is a space for all in the community, not just the few.

Over the past decade, we have raised more than £400,000 for Firs Farm, including fundraising to bring facilities to Firs Farm – the community hub with a cafe, toilets, and community space.

We believe that the benefits of spending time in Firs Farm can be summarised by our HERBS acronym:

  • Health
  • Education
  • Recreation
  • Biodiversity
  • Sport


More than two thousand trees, shrubs and bulbs were planted. Planting is ongoing, with dates inviting people to participate published on our What’s On page. Why not sponsor a tree at Firs Farm?

Weekly maintenance. The Friends are out every week litter picking, clearing vegetation to maintain the water courses, removing debris, and countless other jobs throughout the year.

Creating new wildlife habitats, such as pond islands for wildlife nesting, bug and bee hotels; woodland trails around the wetlands, orchards, ancient hedgerows, and sports fields.

Organising community events, especially for children, including our popular Halloween and Santa activities, National Children’s Day, and school holiday activities. Find out more on our Children’s page,

Community & corporate volunteering opportunities; as well as guided tours for local authorities, universities, schools, and other groups, seeking to understand the value of SUDs in reducing waterborne pollution and flood risk.

Fundraising is ongoing, to sustain Firs Farm and organise more activities for residents.

The Friends welcome schools to Firs Farm, The hub has indoor education space, toilets, and refreshments Visit our Schools page for more information.

Become a Friend of Firs Farm

Membership is free

Friends’ members automatically receive the Friends of Firs Farm newsletter (approximately every six weeks)

Please complete this form and tell us how you would like to support the Friends

* Help us run the charity by volunteering time for admin, fundraising, social media; design posters, leaflets, spotter trails and other communications materials. We are seeking more committee members and trustees.

* Help us with the Firs Farm ‘gardening’. We regularly meet on Monday and Saturday mornings to undertake seasonal tasks. Please note that all volunteers working on Firs Farm receive training to keep them safe.

* Help us run volunteering days for local people, visitor groups as well as comporate volunteering days.

* Help us organise community events. These include National Children’s Day, Halloween, Santa’s visit to Firs Farm. If we have enough funding and volunteers we hope to organise another Summer festival in 2024.

* Help us fundraise to improve Firs Farm and organise community events.

Donations can be made online to:
HSBC Bank – Friends of Firs Farm
Sort Code 402023
Account 32100746

Our Trustees

Toni Guiver (Chair)

Geraldine Cosh

Chris Ferrary

Simon Jarosch

Lisa Chapman

Please see the Friends Documents page.

Get out and Get active in Firs Farm