Corporate and Individual Volunteering Opportunities
Corporate Volunteering – 2022
FF Volunteering Roles
Please click on the linked documents above.
Further information below and contact Toni on 07956 537974 for more information. You will find examples of previous corporate events in our ‘Volunteering in Firs Farm’ Page.
Business and Communities coming together to help shape how our green space works, is maintained & protected for ALL in our diverse communities..
We want you and your teams to have a fun, challenging, enjoyable, satisfying experience in Firs Farm and will work with you to accomplish this. A day that will encourage you to want return again and again to Firs Farm. If you would like to support the Friends in their quest to look after this wonderful green space please get in touch today. Corporate Volunteering – 2018
If you’re unable to physically come out to Firs farm there are a number of other opportunities where you can support this worthwhile community project. We are also looking for website & fundraising support / advice.
Click here to see some of our Volunteering opportunities.

Find more information below in the next section or head straight below this to register for your team to come to Firs Farm and take part in one of our Volunteering days.
About Firs Farm
Firs Farm is a significant and unique habitat in North London. It is one of the largest sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDs) / wetlands, of its kind, in the UK.
It provides essential flood defences for more than 150 residential homes in the area.
Biodiversity in Firs Farm has increased significantly with the introduction of 3 wetland cells and a 4th pod which is a sustainable pond area.
The development of the wetland area has increased the number of habitats for new species to find shelter, food and breeding spaces. Volunteers have planted new flora around the ponds and open stream and this also increases the biodiversity of plants and animals in the area. Since the introduction of the wetlands several animal species have settled into their particular niche with the wetland ecosystems. Children and visitors have identified common blue damsel flies, common frogs, common toads, water boatman, water skaters, water snails, leeches.
The variety and range of bird species in the park will increase as the range of predators and scavengers will also increase with the continued improvement and diversity of habitats that the volunteers create and maintain throughout the year.
The new plant species that have been planted by the volunteers in the wetland area will support the native pollinators, especially the Bee, which throughout several years has struggled to survive due to the removal of various habitats and the reduction in the number of hedgerows and gardens due to the increase need for homes. The new plant species have allowed several insect pollinators to feed and hopefully will allow their numbers to increase and recover to normal levels.
The volunteering work that has been carried out over the past years will allow us to run clubs and activities for the young people in the area. Our first Eco club will commence in September and we will keep you updated with the various educational young people’s projects that will be conducted in the woodland / wetland areas. You can also volunteer to support this work in Firs Farm.
We are always looking for people with the right skills to deliver educational packages to our community in Firs Farm. Please get in touch if you want to be a part of this or have ideas and suggestions for something more. its our space our community lets look after it TOGETHER.
If you want to help us with the work we are doing in Firs farm please contact Toni 07956 537 974

Corporate Volunteering Day
We have a number of volunteering activities for example:-
- General Conservation Day. Which will include a variety of land based conservation tasks which may include habitat building / maintenance.
- Clearing day – Clearing invasive species to make way for more of our native species to thrive in Firs Farm
- Wetlands Tasks: Wearing waders and waterproof gloves we venture into the wetlands / pond / stream to clear up the watercourse, removing any litter and debris and managing the habitats, vegetation.
- Bulb planting:- this activity takes place from late autumns through to early spring.
- Tree conservation work in our tree nursery.
Examples of What to wear / Bring
– Some hot drinks are provided but it is good idea to bring plenty of water with you to stay well hydrated. – You will need to bring a packed lunch with you. The nearest sandwich bar is approximately 1/2 a mile away.
– Do not forget to bring / take any regular medication on the day.
– Wear suitable footwear (PPE) to walk through undergrowth / damp / wet muddy conditions and bramble proof gloves.
– Wear suitable clothing for weather and conditions that cover arms and legs to protect from brambles, nettles undergrowth.
– Care when working close to pond / wetland /watercourse areas due to wet slippery conditions and steep banks.
There will be a health and safety briefing on the day. Please make sure that ask questions if do not understand anything in relation to the health and safety brief or how to use tools, how to stay safe. Thank you
An example of a plan for the day is as below.
Caveat as always – tasks are all weather / time of year dependent.
You may find it helpful to have a site visit before the above date to agree the final tasks and to look over the risk assessment – please let me know and we can arrange this no earlier than 3/4 weeks before the above date. .
A day of clearing invasive vegetation from a designated area in the woodland in Firs Farm known as the Spinney. Maintenance of footpaths in the woodland
9:50 Hot drinks & biscuits available
10am Briefing & kit check
· Collect and move tools / equipment /materials to agreed work areas.
· Mark out work area and set up protective barrier (from the public) if required.
· Check for any litter and remove using litter pickers
· Clear marked area of vegetation / cut back any overhanging growth using secateurs / loppers.
· If topping up paths with bark – use wheelbarrow to collect bark, move to designated area, rake over.
· If repairing edging to paths this may mean sourcing and cutting branches to make stakes and edging which are then staked in position to retain the bark .
· If planting / stumps / logs / sapling. Spray area – dig to agreed depth Place plant /Stumpery logs in holes deep enough to prevent falling over and backfill using excavated / top soil.
· Top with a good layer of bark
Suggested Timings Breaks
12:30 45 minute break (Hot drinks will be provided)
13:15pm Head back to work area
15:30pm Aim to finish and take all tools etc. back to Meeting point for another hot drink, debriefing, clean tools/ boots (prevent cross-contamination) pack away.
16:00 / 16:30 Head home for a well earned rest.
At all times we are of course mindful of the weather and work conditions.
Thank you for your support to Firs Farm it is much appreciated. Let me know if you require anything else from the Friends for this.
We look forward to welcoming you and your team on your visit sto Firs Farm
Best Wishes from Toni, and the Volunteer support team at Firs Farm
Corporate social responsibility – Let your business take part in this for Firs Farm Wetlands and playing Fields volunteering and helping to make this a special place for EVERYONE in the community